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AND Digital Lunch & Learn Series: The Power of Data in Shaping Learning Cultures


Capability Building

How to Build Business Success through Reskilling, Upskilling, and Capability Building

This event has now ended. Fill out the form to access the recording from the July 20 Lunch & Learn.

How do you help your people learn, improve and develop? How do you know what skills to focus on, so you build in the right way? How do you embed a culture of learning? Our Lunch & Learn series can help.

The Lunch and Learn sessions focus on reskilling, upskilling, and capability-building for business success. You'll explore trends affecting learning, and the role of data in learning cultures.

Each event will be interactive, and the series also includes links to case studies that demonstrate the impact on team performance.

Essential for anyone looking to gain practical insights and strategies for improving their organisation's learning culture (and for understanding the business and commercial implications of not investing in capability building).

Fill out the form on the page to listen to the recording of the final event in the series; 'The Power of Data in Shaping Learning Cultures'.

Access Recording

The Power of Data in Shaping Learning Cultures

20th July, 12pm ONLINE

Learn how to use empiricism and data to help your people pivot, learn and improve. Explore the impact of capability building on team performance and discover the business and commercial implications of failing to build capability.

Fill out the form at the top of the page to access the recording to this session.

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